Man is a social organism who exhibits
attributes of independence, creativity, consciousness and sociability in
everything he does. He builds and sustains various inter personal
relationships. Often these begin with small gestures which acknowledge the presence
of other co-inhabitant of the space, even if it is for a short period of time.
Exchanging a quick glance, sharing a smile, nodding in agreement over some
facts and similar such interchanges help in breaking that initial ice. It could
happen anywhere - on a bus, waiting in a queue, on a morning walk, enjoying the
vista on a pleasant day or having to share a table in a crowded restaurant. In
most of the cases, such fleeting interactions get wiped out of mind quite
insignificantly but in some rare cases they do ordain beginning of something
bigger, longer and friendlier or otherwise. Though inconsequential, these
gestures do tell something about the character and personality of a person. It
may leave one with a pleasant feeling of having met some pleasing personality
and it may put some on the path to curiosity as well. It is the curiosity or
inquisitiveness to know more about the other person, to study his/her
personality, to understand him/her better. If man is considered to be a social
being, he is also believed to be a curious organism. And it is the curiosity of
humans that make Newtons and Einsteins out of ordinary individuals.
It is strange but sometimes this
eagerness and curiosity to know and study human behaviour puts one on a path to
self realisation and don’t
we all want to tread that path? One can analyse a situation and an event better if it is enacted in front of
him/her rather than when one is performing in that act him(her)self. Similar is
the case with our psychology, sometimes we get an opportunity to understand our
own disposition and behaviour better by looking at mirror like personalities in
front of us. Isn’t
it said that when a parent gets to confront one’s peculiar characteristics in one’s child, then one gets
to realise how difficult it is to manage the particular idiosyncrasy.
As community also we keep trying to
explore the opportunities of knowing each other and working together at various
fora - social, spiritual, emotional and moral. The simplest examples of the
same are the practice of collective chanting, reciting and vocalising of some
verses and almost all sects follow this practice in one form or the other. In
Buddhism it is considered as an effort that leads one to the path of communal
progress and harmony. When this happens, it leads to upliftment of the whole
social setup and progress for all. Hence, the truest form of evolution happens
when ‘I’ and ‘mine’ stop mattering and
they get transformed into ‘we’ and ‘ours’. It is then the
collective wisdom is achieved.
However, one needs to be aware at all
times for a few pitfalls on this path - one’s curiosity should not become encroachment of
private space for others, the outside noise should not drown the path that was
supposed to lead to one’s
own progress and upliftment.
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